dhclient and random disconnects

David Demelier demelier.david at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 15:27:31 UTC 2012


In my university, I have a WPA-EAP wifi access point, it requires 
authentification to access, with dhclient, I'm disconnected randomly and 
I must run wpa_cli reconfigure / dhclient again to get it working.

I have never found a solution for that, so I tried for testing, to use 
dhcpcd instead, and it seems to work, I don't have disconnects anymore.

What could the problem be with dhclient? I don't know very well what 
these processes are doing. Does the process check for lease by a 
specific interval?

I don't care about using dhcpcd instead of dhclient, but I would like to 
make it working instead of dhclient but 
dhclient_program="/usr/local/sbin/dhcpcd" in the rc.conf does not start 
dhcpcd at boot.


David Demelier

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