Dual Boot Windows 7 FreeBSd 8.3

Mario Lobo lobo at bsd.com.br
Wed May 23 23:18:14 UTC 2012

On Wednesday 23 May 2012 19:41:22 Jerry McAllister wrote:
> > Since each system is going to be on different physical drives, why don't
> > you make things easy for you and just use the BIOS boot menu to choose
> > which drive to boot from?
> That surely seems the hard way.    Why interrupt the boot and go
> in to the BIOS every time when that is all provided for in the
> boot structure?
> ////jerry

Because if you want to switch systems you're gonna have to reboot anyway!

The boot manager is nothing but an automatic interruption of the boot process 
to give you a chance to press a key for the system you want to boot from.

But you're right. Pressing 3 keys instead of one or none IS the hard way.

just my 0,02...

Mario Lobo
FreeBSD since 2.2.8 [not Pro-Audio.... YET!!] (99% winblows FREE)

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