converting mpost(ed) files individually to eps

Robert Bonomi bonomi at
Tue Jun 19 01:10:42 UTC 2012

> From owner-freebsd-questions at  Mon Jun 18 19:50:45 2012
> Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 19:50:01 -0500
> From: Antonio Olivares <olivares14031 at>
> To: FreeBSD Questions <freebsd-questions at>
> Subject: converting mpost(ed) files individually to eps
> Dear folks,
> I am taking a plunge to learning a little bit of metapost.  I have
> found examples page using google.
> I want to convert output files individually to eps.
> I can only convert the first one output say file.1 to file.eps, but
> when there are more files, ie, file.2, ..., file.10, all the files
> between .2 and .10 do not get converted/saved to *.eps extension.

Correct.  The script you showd processes a _single_ argument only.
Use a 'for loop' to handle multiple files, something like  --
   for thisfile in file.* do
    `mpost-eps $thisfile

> [[ sneck -- copy of script itself ]]
> I run the script
> $ ./mpost-eps file
> without *.mp extension.  but only one gets converted.  I don't know
> enough shell programming to do something like
> for i in file.i do
> $GS -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=epswrite -sOutputFile=$1.eps $1.i

You were *close*.  what you wanted is (assuming MPOST and GS are defined:
  for file in {{list or wildcard}} do
   $MPOST $file
   $GS -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=epswrite -sOutputFile=$ile.eps $file.1

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