mod_rewrite problem with tilde

David Banning david+dated+1342623098.665e12 at
Fri Jul 13 14:51:49 UTC 2012

I am migrating to a new server location which right now
has no domain name, so the ip address is being used.
The ISP gives an address for the apache directory like so;

A simple redirect works, such as this one which directs to another

Options +FollowSymLinks
rewriteEngine on
rewriteRule ^test\.html$ [R=301,L]

but a redirect within the site does not work.  I wonder if it has to 
do with the tilde ~ character that the ISP has configured.

I presently have the following .htaccess;

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteRule   ^[^/]*\.php$  /
RewriteRule   ^[^/]*\.html$  index.php

Which does not work. If anyone is aware of problems using 
mod_rewrite with the ~ character or could contribute any pointers
as to how I could gain more information on - for instance -where-
mod_rewrite is -attempting- to redirect (considering my above 

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