Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?

Tim Daneliuk tundra at
Wed Dec 19 01:43:42 UTC 2012

On 12/18/2012 07:33 PM, Devin Teske wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2012, at 5:18 PM, Tim Daneliuk wrote:

>> One further question, if I may.  If I do this:
>>    sudo su -
>> Will log_input record everything I do once I've been promoted to
>> root?  I ask because my initial experiments seem to show that all
>> that's getting recorded is the content of the sudo command itself,
>> not the subsequent actions…
> Correct, sudo is blind to the actions performed once the command requested is executed (in this case, "su" and subsequently a shell followed by more actions).

Actually, I just tried this with both log_input and log_output options enabled.
It seems that it *can* see into the promoted shell with a few caveats:

   - Command output is logged immediately, but command inputs appear to only
     be written to the log when you exit the promoted shell.  This may be
     not quite right - there may have not been enough input to cause a
     write flush to the log.

   - The logging seems to be able to see into a spawned subshell, but
     I don't think it can see input/output if you, say, kick off an xterm.

> I've suggested the lrexec module for catching everything, or you can look into the auditdistd (distributed auditing collection/collation to a remote/central server) approach, the praudit approach, or any of the other pieces of software mentions.

Tim Daneliuk     tundra at
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