NFSv4 ACL permissions setting

Doug Sampson dougs at
Thu Aug 30 23:50:04 UTC 2012

Hello all-

I've set up ZFS on a FreeBSD 9.0 64-bit server recently. One of the things I've had to learn relates to NFSv4 ACLs. I've developed two scripts to reset permissions- one for files and the other for folders. I've run into an issue with executing a script to set permissions on a bunch of folders.

The root filesystem is /data. There are a bunch of subfolders followed by more subfolders. Allow me to demonstrate as follows:

dougs at dorado:/# getfacl ./data
# file: ./data
# owner: root
# group: DSP-production
dougs at dorado:/# cd data
dougs at dorado:/data# ll
total 45
drwxrwx---+  5 root  DSP-production     5 Aug 28 10:27 ADS-New
drwxrwx---+ 60 root  DSP-production   118 Aug 27 14:17 ADS-OLD
   [ .. snip .. ]
drwxrwx---+ 12 root  DSP-production    12 Aug 27 14:16 WorkinProgress
dougs at dorado:/data# getfacl ./ADS-New/
# file: ./ADS-New/
# owner: root
# group: DSP-production
dougs at dorado:/data# cd ./ADS-New/
dougs at dorado:/data/ADS-New# ll
total 9
drwxrwx---+  5 root  nobody   7 Aug 27 14:20 Artworks
drwxrwx---+  4 root  nobody   4 Jul 17 12:12 ForDSP
drwxrwx---+ 78 root  nobody  78 Jul 23 13:17 ForMarketing
dougs at dorado:/data/ADS-New# /root/bin/
dougs at dorado:/data/ADS-New# getfacl ./Artworks/
# file: ./Artworks/
# owner: root
# group: nobody
group:DSP-production:rwxpDdaARWcCos:fd----:allow               <<<<<-----
group:DSP-production:rwxpDdaARWcCos:fd----:allow               <<<<<-----
dougs at dorado:/data/ADS-New# cd Artworks/
dougs at dorado:/data/ADS-New/Artworks# ll
total 4234
drwxrwx---+ 2 root         nobody                2 Jul 17 12:08 Ask JoeS
drwxrwx---+ 2 root         nobody               10 Jul 17 12:12 Cool -  AD
d-w-rwx---+ 2 DSP-alfredo  nobody                2 Aug 27 14:20 Jaye Additional Art
-rwxrwx---+ 1 root         DSP-production  3770445 Mar 11  2010 comingsoonIntNepal.pdf
-rwxrwx---+ 1 root         DSP-production   415338 Mar 11  2010 previewcopy.pdf
dougs at dorado:/data/ADS-New/Artworks# cd Ask\ JoeS/
dougs at dorado:/data/ADS-New/Artworks/Ask JoeS# cd ..
dougs at dorado:/data/ADS-New/Artworks# getfacl Ask\ JoeS/
# file: Ask JoeS/
# owner: root
# group: nobody
group:DSP-production:rwxpDdaARWcCos:fd----:allow               <<<<<-----
dougs at dorado:/data/ADS-New/Artworks#

As you can see, the ADS-New folder where I executed the script shows duplicate entries of the DSP-production group whereas the "Ask Joe" subfolder underneath the ADS-New folder shows only one DSP-production group. If I run this script on the ADS-OLD folder, I see the same effect- only the first level of subfolders get duplicate DSP-production entries while the rest of the subfolders only contain one entry of the DSP-production group. Why is this happening?

The contents of the /root/bin/ is as follows:

# run this script where you wish to effect the changes
# reset perms to default
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 setfacl -b *
# apply perms to files
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 setfacl -m group@:full_set:fd:allow *
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 setfacl -m owner@:full_set:fd:allow *
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 setfacl -m g:dsp-marketing:full_set:fd:allow *
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 setfacl -m g:dsp-production:full_set:fd:allow *

Um? Am I missing something?


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