portaudit and automake14

David Newman dnewman at networktest.com
Tue Aug 28 18:48:00 UTC 2012

1. On a 8.0-RELEASE system, I'm having a problem with the automake14
port, where the portaudit port reports this vulnerability:


Refreshing the ports collection with 'portsnap fetch extract' and then
running 'portmaster automake14' returned the same error as before:

automake -- Insecure 'distcheck' recipe granted world-writable distdir

I then tried to do 'make deinstall && make reinstall' for automake14,
but that just deinstalled the port. The system returns the same error as
above when trying to reinstall.

How to resolve?

2. This system also has a couple of other automake ports installed:


How to determine if these are necessary in addition to automake14?



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