AAAARRRgghhh-h-h. [[tooo tired]]

Al Plant noc at
Sat Aug 25 02:18:18 UTC 2012

Gary Kline wrote:
> been here the whole day since around 09.00.  one question since the
> guy who did my kvm switch used too-short cables----they were ~4ft
> instead of 6.  my question:  Do any of you know if I can just buy
> kvm cables... of say 6ft?  it's a trendnet TK-409K.
> #2:: I have no idea how a USB port could burn out, but that's what
> the tech found.  anybody care to reply to either point??
> tx very tmuch
Aloha Gary,

Check thats where I got mine. 6 foot.

~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
   + + +
   +   - Supporting - FreeBSD  7.2 - 8.0 - 9* +
   < email: noc at >
"All that's really worth doing is what we do for others."- Lewis Carrol

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