AAAARRRgghhh-h-h. [[tooo tired]]

Jerry Dunham jdunham at
Sat Aug 25 01:03:34 UTC 2012

On 24 Aug 2012 at 17:52, Gary Kline wrote:

> been here the whole day since around 09.00.  one question since the guy
> who did my kvm switch used too-short cables----they were ~4ft instead
> of 6.  my question:  Do any of you know if I can just buy kvm cables...
> of say 6ft?  it's a trendnet TK-409K. 

KVM cables are generally pretty standard critters, though there are several types.  You 
could probably just do a Google search, but I can tell you that NewEgg has a variety of 

Jerry Dunham
Moderator, Texas Great Dane Rescue
jdunham at

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