Issue with kernel building

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Mon Aug 20 13:46:39 UTC 2012

Polytropon writes:

>  > Very good point! I'd clear the /usr/src/obj directory as pointed out,
>  > then build a generic kenel, install it and boot from it. Then you
>  > know you've got a working kernel to fall back on.
>  You could then make a copy of that kernel, e. g. from its initial
>  installation location /boot/kernel to /boot/kernel.GENERIC.

	Before doing this, make sure you have enough space on /.  On my
-CURRENT system, /boot/kernel uses ~300 mb and /boot/modules another
35; I created / with 2 gb in part so it could hold multiple kernels.
	Running out of space on / is a Really Bad Idea(tm).

				Robert Huff


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