Issue with kernel building

Jerry jerry at
Mon Aug 20 12:11:22 UTC 2012

On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 19:43:14 -0400
Michael Powell articulated:


> Keep in mind whenever you install a new kernel your present kernel
> (and its matching modules) get moved to kernel.old. What this means
> is that the GENERIC you have with a base install will be moved to
> kernel.old and can be used in the event the new kernel won't boot.
> Realize this: after the next rebuild process this kernel.old will be
> replaced _again_. In which case  you might now have 2 broken kernels
> with not an easy way to recover.

I inquired several years ago about the possibility of changing the
renaming format into something like: "kernel_##_YY-MM-DD.old". The "##"
would be incremented with each successive build on a given day. I
thought it would alleviate just the sort of problem you are referring
to and would make it easier to revert to a specific kernel if required.
I never received even a single response so I guess it was not a well
received concept.

Jerry ♔

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