can't build Samba 35 on FreeBSD 9.0

Adam Vande More amvandemore at
Thu Aug 16 05:59:06 UTC 2012

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 8:59 PM, James D. Parra <jamesp at>wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to install Samba35 on FreeBSD 9.0 but I keep getting a build
> error.

The text you gave us gives me the thought you are flailing in the dark.
 First off, use a port management tool eg portmaster.  Learn how to use it
fully including regularly reading /usr/ports/UPDATING The handbook has
great information on managing ports, I suggest reading it closely if you
want FreeBSD to be your friend.

In this scenario, you would use

portsnap fetch update(assuming you've once a portsnap extract once before)
portmaster /usr/ports/net/samba35

The specific error in your message indicates some problem with ccache.
 What does your /etc/make.conf look like?

Adam Vande More

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