NFS within a Jail?!

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Sat Aug 11 16:23:02 UTC 2012

> Since your the expert on unfs3 because you have it working, would you share 
> some technical configuration information with us?
> Such as
> What statements do you have in the host:server and remote:client /etc/rc.conf 
> to auto start them at boot time?
in client - as with any NFS, use kernel klient.

on server - just run unfsd anywhere, like /etc/rc.local

Do you really cannot use any program without rc.d script? ;)

> How do you disable the kernel nfs version so it don't interfere with unfs3?
Just don't enable it in /etc/rc.conf

You may have it in kernel. i did, now i don't. both works.

> What does your export file look like on both the host:server and 
> remote:client sides.

as described in manual of unfsd.
basics are same, details are not.

> Then about unfs3 performance; how many concurrent remote:clients do you 
> service? Doe's access elapse time get longer as more concurrent

over 60 but not high load clients so performance doesn't matter. That's X 
terminals booting over NFS.

Sometimes i do more - example is net-booting windoze PC to be able to do 
some recovery OR backup large amount of data to server.

There is no practical performance difference in that settings.

BUT - do make configure, then search where fsync is called and comment it 

Right - not conformant, but the performance difference on writes are 

Unless you do such a stupid things like running database servers over NFS, 
you don't need this conformance. Just do it.

> Do you run unfs3 in a jail on both the host:server and remote:client sides?

Not now. but tried. unfs doesn't need ANY special kernel calls. It runs 
just like any program using UDP/TCP communication. jail/no jail doesn't 
make a difference. As with most programs.

In kernel point of view it is just a program that use TCP/IP stack and 
open/read/write/readdir/etc. Nothing else.

> Are there any sysctl nob settings needed to make unfs3 run in a jail?
as above.

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