NFS within a Jail?!

Fbsd8 fbsd8 at
Fri Aug 10 12:36:06 UTC 2012

Wojciech Puchar wrote:
>>> Many thanks in advance.
>> Quick answer is "No, NFS only runs on the host system".
> but user space nfsd works. in ports - unfsd

Close but no cigar.

In the ports system it's named unfs3 and described as

UNFS3 is a user-space implementation of the NFSv3 server specification. 
It provides a daemon for the MOUNT and NFS protocols, which are used by 
NFS clients for accessing files on the server.

Now here is the KEY. No where does it say it has the "server" side 
function, only the client side. But it does have 18k downloads even 
though it's labeled as beta version.

So the question back to Wojciech Puchar is; are you running this unfs3 
in a client jail on one pc and the server side in a jail on the host?

Put another way can you confirm from experience that this unfs3 port has 
both client and service side support and that it does work when 
installed in a client jail and host server jail?

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