Mounting raw disk backup file.

Matthew Navarre navarre.matthew at
Mon Aug 6 10:37:46 UTC 2012

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 2:55 AM, Wojciech Puchar <
wojtek at> wrote:

> I had a drive fail recently, it was working fine until I rebooted. After
>> that the partition map was corrupt and I can't mount either partition on
>> the disk. So I made a copy of the whole disk using dd to an old USB drive.
>> There were several IO errors while dd was copying the disk, so I think the
>> disk is starting to go.
> did you use conv=sync,noerror.
> if not your backup is quite corrupted if errors were uncorrectable.

Yep, did that, so I'll lose some data, but that partition is mostly media
and some old MacOS (7/8/9) software, so it'd suck to lose it but wouldn't
be catastrophic. The first partition on the disk is more important.

The ironic thing is that the drives I was going to transfer this data onto
and the external hard drive that was going to be hold the backups are on
their way. Murphy strikes when you least expect it.

>> So, any suggestions?
> repair partition table, use mdconfig and then you will get
> /dev/md0
> /dev/md0s1...
> as with real drive

Yep, it's currently the whole "repair partition table" bit that's giving me
problems. Unfortunately, PC disk geometry is not my forte. I'm hoping I can
find my log book from the system this drive was transfered from, which
should have both the partition map  and the alternate superblocks written
down. My wife probably put it somewhere "safe" ;)


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