Fast personal printing _without_ CUPS

C. P. Ghost cpghost at
Thu Oct 27 16:17:56 UTC 2011

On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Polytropon <freebsd at> wrote:
> BUT: CUPS seems to be hardcoded into many applications
> today. They stopped working with the non-CUPS default
> system tools. An example is Opera. Another one is Gimp
> which works with system lp* tools, but has hardcoded
> queries to "lpstat" (a CUPS program that doesn't exist
> or "cannot connect to the server"). The upcoming question
> here is: WHY???


> CUPS also has program names that are derived from LPR's
> competitor. The "lpstat" command is such an example, and
> I think "lpadmin" also is.

lpstat and lpadmin are standard SysV tools for printing.
They existed LONG before CUPS:

Please note that there are two distinct toolsets for (traditional)
UNIX printing:
  * lpr tools for BSD printing
  * lp tools for SysV printing
Please don't call the BSD lpr toolset "lp tools", that's pretty
confusing to us old-gen sysadmins. ;-)


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