Can't access a music CD
freebsd at
Thu Oct 13 22:27:29 UTC 2011
On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 22:03:29 +0000, Alexander Best wrote:
> On Thu Oct 13 11, Polytropon wrote:
> > On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 16:25:24 +0000, Alexander Best wrote:
> > > ano ther thought might be to implement an audio cd filesystem, so one could do
> > > 'mount -o audiocdfs /dev/cd0 /media/cd' and then all tracks appear as RAW pcm
> > > audio files. maybe fuse comes with something like this?
> >
> > What about /dev/acd0t[01,02,03,...] - aren't those supposed
> > to represent the individual audio tracks that could then be
> > interpreted as what they basically are, raw pcm (of cd-audio
> > specification)?
> i inserted an audio cd and they didn't turn up. i guess ATA_CAM doesn't support
> individual nodes for tracks.
When using the (now default) CAM methods (ATAPICAM), I think
this is true.
Example with a regular music CD:
% cdcontrol info
Starting track = 1, ending track = 19, TOC size = 162 bytes
track start duration block length type
1 0:02.00 2:05.01 0 9376 audio
2 2:07.01 1:45.53 9376 7928 audio
3 3:52.54 2:37.49 17304 11824 audio
4 6:30.28 1:52.00 29128 8400 audio
5 8:22.28 2:08.29 37528 9629 audio
6 10:30.57 2:23.01 47157 10726 audio
7 12:53.58 4:01.01 57883 18076 audio
8 16:54.59 3:12.37 75959 14437 audio
9 20:07.21 2:09.00 90396 9675 audio
10 22:16.21 4:19.67 100071 19492 audio
11 26:36.13 3:28.00 119563 15600 audio
12 30:04.13 3:48.73 135163 17173 audio
13 33:53.11 3:51.38 152336 17363 audio
14 37:44.49 1:27.72 169699 6597 audio
15 39:12.46 2:15.15 176296 10140 audio
16 41:27.61 2:35.01 186436 11626 audio
17 44:02.62 2:11.00 198062 9825 audio
18 46:13.62 2:37.01 207887 11776 audio
19 48:50.63 2:48.01 219663 12601 audio
170 51:38.64 - 232264 - -
% ls /dev/acd0*
/dev/acd0 /dev/acd0t04 /dev/acd0t08 /dev/acd0t12 /dev/acd0t16
/dev/acd0t01 /dev/acd0t05 /dev/acd0t09 /dev/acd0t13 /dev/acd0t17
/dev/acd0t02 /dev/acd0t06 /dev/acd0t10 /dev/acd0t14 /dev/acd0t18
/dev/acd0t03 /dev/acd0t07 /dev/acd0t11 /dev/acd0t15 /dev/acd0t19
% ls /dev/cd0*
Maybe obtaining a TOC listing of the CD is required to make the
track files appear? However, they are only present for the ATAPI
based access (acd0), not for the "SCSI" CAM based one (cd0).
Magdeburg, Germany
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