changing baud rate without recompiling

Manolis Kiagias sonicy at
Thu Nov 10 22:23:44 UTC 2011

On 9/11/2011 11:11 πμ, saeedeh motlagh wrote:
> i know adding the "COM_CONSOLE_SPEED=115200" to make.conf and
> recompile it, change the baud rate but i want to know if there is a
> way to change it without recompiling.
> please let me know if there is any way to do that.
> my FreeBSD is 8.0
> thanks.

I am using a serial console at 115200 bps. Like you, I've added


to /boot/loader.conf and nothing happened. After booting, the serial 
terminal works at 115200 - but that's because of the /etc/ttys entry 
(which of course is not used until the end of booting). For the actual 
console to work at this speed so you can see the boot messages, it seems 
the only way is to recompile and reinstall the boot blocks. This takes 
very little time however:

# cd /usr/src/sys/boot
# make clean
# make install

No need to recompile the kernel or any other part of the base system.

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