Check Memory Usage, program like 'free' in Linux

Adam Vande More amvandemore at
Thu Nov 3 16:23:19 UTC 2011

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Jon Schipp <jonschipp at> wrote:

> I'm under the impression that virtual memory and physical memory usage are
> very different.
> e.g. vmstat and top report very different memory values.

If I assume this is an XY problem, and your true goal is find out what
memory pressure a system is under then my answer would be to track the
percent of swap used.  Free memory is a useful utility on Windows XP, not
so much on FreeBSD.

So to answer your question in another way, there is a reason "free" doesn't
exist on FreeBSD.  It's not very meaningful.

Adam Vande More

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