opera 11.11 and flash

Jamie Paul Griffin griffin at gnix.co.uk
Mon May 23 09:24:00 UTC 2011


I'm trying to get flash working with opera 11.11. I've installed the opera-linuxplugins port and I've put libflashplugin.so into /usr/local/lib/opera/plugins and ~/.opera/plugins/ - file downloaded from Adobe's website. Then opened Menu -> Settings -> Preferences -> Advance -> Content -> Plug-in options and I've added both paths to the search field. Still this hasn't made it work. It's frustrating when the documented process doesn't do anything. I have read from other posts when I searched the net that some people have had success by following the process for Firefox but as I understand it with the www/opera-linuxplugins port this shouldn't be necessary?

Has anyone got this to work and if so could you tell me how you did it?


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