Newbie Needing Help

Chad Perrin perrin at
Mon May 9 21:08:57 UTC 2011

On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 03:44:57PM -0500, Antonio Olivares wrote:
> >> There's also ee in the base system, which is good enough for editing
> >> configuration files, and is much easier for a casual user. The benefits
> >> of vi and emacs are mostly for developers.
> >
> > It's not just for software development.  I use Vim for writing code, but
> > I also use it for writing in English -- professional work on articles,
> > development of traditional (non-computer) RPG systems, fiction,
> > configuration files, notes to myself, and composing emails (including
> > this one).
> >
> > --
> I have seen vi vs emacs, kde vs gnome, but vim is different from vi correct?
> It is dfferent from system to system.  There are like different versions
> vi and vim is vi improved right?

People often use "vi" to refer to any vi-like editor.  There are quite a
few of them; basic operation is pretty much exactly the same across them,
with the way they're used mostly changing only as you get farther from
the most basic feature set of each of them.

Vim is indeed an abbreviation of "vi improved".  I don't know that I'd
call it "improved", exactly.  It has a couple of features I need that are
not available in other vi-like editors I've used, but it also has a lot
of features that I'd rather do without.  Aside from missing a couple of
nice features I actually use regularly, I prefer nvi over Vim.

> By the way, I remember a quote:
> ============
> Hello.  My $NAME is ~inigo-montoya.  You killed my process.  Prepare
> to vi.  --The Unix's Bride
> ============

That joke is hilarious.  Pedantically speaking, though, it has a small
problem: "vi" is pronounced like "vee eye", not like the word "vie".

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
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