webcamd startup problems

Jimmie James jimmiejaz at
Fri Mar 18 03:39:34 UTC 2011

Hope someone can see what I missed here, as the topic says, webcamd 
doesn't start at boot.

Logitec USB cameram product 0x08b2 vendor 0x046d,  is plugged in, works 
wonderfully in skype-,1, emesene-1.6.3, pwcview, etc..

grep webc /etc/rc.conf

-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  775 Mar  8 19:35 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/webcamd

grep cuse /boot/loader.conf

The camera doesn't show up when I boot the system, webcamd doesn't 
start. I have to run webcamd & to start it, and it happily prints out,
Attached ugen2.2[0] to cuse unit 0
Creating /dev/video0

So, my question is, why isn't this starting at boot?

I am currently away on leave, traveling through time and will be 
returning last week.
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid.

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