Odd behaviour with "portmaster -r gnutls"

Mike Clarke jmc-freebsd2 at milibyte.co.uk
Fri Jun 17 10:21:28 UTC 2011

From /usr/ports/UPDATING

  AFFECTS: users of security/gnutls and any port that depends on it
  AUTHOR: novel at FreeBSD.org

  gnutls has been updated to and all shared libraries' versions 
  been bumped. So you need to rebuild all applications that depend on
  gnutls. Do something like:

	portupgrade -rf gnutls
	portmaster -r gnutls

"pkg_info -Rx gnutls" shows that gnutls is required by 92 of my 
installed ports so before running "portmaster -a" I duly 
ran "portmaster -r gnutls". This ran without any errors but only 4 
ports were updated...

curlew:/root# portmaster -r gnutls


===>>> Done displaying pkg-message files

The following actions were performed:
	Re-installation of GeoIP-1.4.7
	Upgrade of python26-2.6.6_1 to python26-2.6.7
	Upgrade of gnutls-2.8.6_2 to gnutls-
	Upgrade of wireshark-1.4.6 to wireshark-1.4.7_1


Should I worry about this huge discrepancy? I haven't got round to 
running "portmaster -a" yet and I haven't come across any problems so 
far, apart from having to add an entry for libgnutls.so.40 
in /etc/libmap.conf to keep cups happy.

"pkg_version -vL=" shows that 70 ports are due for updating, only some 
of these depend on gnutls so even after running "portmaster -a" there 
will be a considerable number of ports depending on gnutls which will 
not have been updated.

Mike Clarke

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