Long Day's Journey into <Bleep>

Daniel Staal DStaal at usa.net
Thu Jun 9 22:01:05 UTC 2011

--As of June 9, 2011 12:48:29 PM -0600, Chad Perrin is alleged to have said:

> Are parts available for building an inexpensive switch, perhaps with the
> ability to use a stripped-down FreeBSD to run the thing?  The closest
> I've found so far is this:
>     http://www.automationworld.com/products-2039
> It says "make your own", but it looks to me like what they mean by that
> is "put it in your own box and brand it with your name; power supply not
> included".
> The hardware requirements for building a switch are, unfortunately,
> outside my area of expertise.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

Depending on your needs, Soekris, ALIX, or Netgate products could all work. 
Most don't have large numbers of ports (2-5 built in are standard, and some 
have expansion capability), but can run some higher-level processing while 
doing switching work.

It may or may not be cost-effective though.  Especially if all you need is 
pure switch.

Daniel T. Staal

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