upgrading apr from v0 to v1 via portupgrade?

illoai at gmail.com illoai at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 16:56:21 UTC 2011

On 24 February 2011 11:09, Aleksandr Miroslav <alexmiroslav at gmail.com> wrote:
> I recently moved my server to a new box and in the process of doing
> that, I upgraded from FreeBSD 7.3 to 8.1.
> When I say I moved, I mean I backed up all my personal data (databases,
> config values, etc.), made a list of all packages, and installed an
> identical box with the same pacakges.
> Recently I noticed that somehow I am on apr- On my old
> box, I was on apr-ipv6-devrandom-gdbm-db47-
> I didn't make that choice deliberarely, somehow when I installed all the
> pacakges, apr-0 was installed instead of apr-1.
> Normally I wouldn't care, but apr-0 has had an unpatched security
> advisory for a few weeks now, so I would like to upgrade all my packages
> that use apr-0 to apr-1.
> I use portupgrade, how can I do this?

The general (untested) notion would be:
portupgrade -o devel/apr1 apr-0
& then
portupgrade -frx apr apr
(which hopefully will rebuild everything depending
upon apr without rebuilding apr twice)


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