bash can not find most of my commands

Chad Perrin perrin at
Tue Feb 22 18:03:54 UTC 2011

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 05:58:22PM +0100, Alokat wrote:
> Paul has satisfied me. I have changed back to csh.

Your system should have a "toor" account as well.  It is just a second
root account, whose essential purpose is to provide a root account that
you can fiddle with to your heart's content without endangering the main
root account.  Note that the toor account can break things on the system
just as much as the root account; if you break the toor account itself,
though, you still have access to the main root account to get yourself
out of trouble.

Thus, if you *really* want a superuser account with bash as its default
shell, you can always use toor for that purpose.  I don't much see the
point in setting a superuser account to use bash anyway -- or any other
account, really -- but the option is there if you must have it.  Just
don't change the shell for the root account itself that way; it's bad for
you, with lots of fatty calories, preservatives, artificial sweeteners,
and other stuff your body should not be ingesting on a regular basis.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
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