FreeBSD and SSD drives

Peter Vereshagin peter at
Fri Feb 11 11:54:58 UTC 2011

Nothing to do oh, freebsd-questions stay in bat!
2011/02/11 09:40:37 +0000 Paul Macdonald <paul at> => To FreeBSD Mailing List :

PM> I'd be interested to here peoples opinions on best uses for SSD, general 
PM> purpose applications such as databases , webservers etc will benefit 
PM> obviously, before to bankrupt was spamming me about their nice idea on SSD
appliance for their servers.
It took me a some while though to know out accidentally that they apply
solid-state memory devices for... FS journal.
This looks wise and reasonable to me because:
1. SSD is known as less reliable storage.
2. SSD has less track-to-track seek average time.
( than usual HDD )

73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB  12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627)

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