Debian GNU/kFreeBSD

Gary Kline kline at
Mon Feb 7 23:51:48 UTC 2011

On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 07:01:04AM +0330, Bahman Kahinpour wrote:
> Hello,
> I have heard that Debian project has replaced the Linux kernel in
> their distribution with FreeBSD kernel and have released Debian
> GNU/kFreeBSD. Since this version, they will release Debian
> GNU/kFreeBSD as a "stable" port.
> What is this all about? What will be consequences for FreeBSD? Will a
> lot of FreeBSD users move to that distribution?
> Good Luck
> Bahman Kahinpour

	Yes! Dreams do come true .... or maybe just partly.

	Years ago, like late 1990's or very early 2000's, there was an
	effort to use the strengths of both operating systems: the
	unsurpassed stability of BSD along with the goodies you find in
	Linux.  I mostly did cheerleading but when things stalled I got
	busy porting the FBSD libc.  I was about 17% done w hen I
	stopped this Debian FreeBSD.  You can google around and find
	stuff about the project.

	Begin slight diversion::
	   IIRC, the main point of contention involved the differences
	   between the GNU CopyLeft and the freerer BSD Copyright.  For [at 
	   least one] of my projects, muuz, I even invented my own
	   copyright.  And then there are many, many other means of sharing
	   stuff.  My electronic novel, altho copyright by the Lib of
	   Congress does not have any Digital *Wrongs* Management.  ---That's
	   my tiny contribution.  So you can buy one copy of JOURNEY/DAWN for
	   $9.47 and share it around the way I share my boughten books and
	   music CD's and DVD's.
	End slight diversion;

	I haven't heard anything about somebody picking up the idea on
	integrating Debian Linux and FreeBSD, so unless Zeus stabbed
	hisself in the back while about to hurl a lightening bolt, don't

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 Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix
           Journey Toward the Dawn, E-Book:
          The 7.98a release of Jottings:

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