Opening Opera as user

Rem P Roberti remegius at
Wed Feb 2 06:27:53 UTC 2011

> Could you post your environment variables?
> btw. how do you login / start x? (eg login in the console and use 
> startx, or using any login manager like xdm, kdm, gdm, slim...)
> Armin
>>> On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 6:17 PM, Rem P Roberti<remegius at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I installed linux-opera, and I guess I made a mistake by opening it 
>>>> the
>>>> first time as root, when I should have opened as user. At any rate, I
>>>> can
>>>> now only open the browser as root, and when I do I get this message:
>>>> opera: $HOME set to /root. Use -personaldir if you do not want to use
>>>> /root/.opera/
>>>> Can someone give me a heads up on how to fix this, as the above
>>>> message is a
>>>> mystery to me.
>>> Most likely, it is trying to use /root/.opera for your profile and is
>>> crashing early in the startup because the regular user can't write
>>> there. I would save any bookmarks or other useful items and then
>>> delete the folder. I haven't run into this in FreeBSD but you can get
>>> similar problems in Windows if a global profile is created in
>>> C:\Program Files\Opera by an administrator.
>> That's interesting. The problem is that there is no /root/.opera folder.
>> As a matter of fact there doesn't seem to be any folders at all that
>> refer to the linux-opera browser, in my /home/user directory, or
>> anywhere else. So I have no idea where the program is storing the
>> profile info.
>> Rem

I log in directly from the console using 'startx'.  And I hate to sound 
really ignorant, but I'm still pretty much a newbie and not sure where 
the environment variables are found.


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