Command which does not work anymore?

Patrick Lamaiziere patfbsd at
Tue Dec 6 13:10:35 UTC 2011

Le Mon, 5 Dec 2011 11:38:46 -0600,
Dan Nelson <dnelson at> a écrit :


> dd with a bs= option tells dd to use read() syscalls with a 10mb
> size, but ssh is going to feed it data in much smaller chunks, and
> they're unlikely to be multiples of a disk block in size (which you
> have to use if you are writing directly to a raw disk device).  The
> "0+5 records in/0+4 records out" lines say that dd read 5 blocks of
> data (but they were less than 10mb), and wrote 4 blocks (again less
> than 10mb).  Try using a smaller blocksize (8k or 4k), or use a
> buffering program like ports/misc/team or misc/buffer just in front
> of your dd command, so that dd always sees block-sized writes from
> its stdin stream.
> If that command worked in 8.2, it was just by accident.

Ah ok! Thanks a lot for the explanation.


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