Two questions

afiddler10 afiddler10 at
Thu Apr 14 14:41:21 UTC 2011

Yesterday I received some very helpful advice from your technician.  I hope you can answer these two questions today!
I am trying to configure Freebsd so that I can access it from my host PC, which is Windows 7.  Yesterday the technician told me to configure bridging in VMware when I created the virtual Freebsd server.  This worked fine, but I'm wondering if there is a way to configure this outside of VMware.  I tried this on a Freebsd v8.2:
ifconfig bridge create
ifconfig bridge0 addm em0 addm em1 up           #interface names are em0 and em1
But it did not work.  I assigned an IP address to em0 but could not access it from my Windows 7 host, although I could ping that address from the virtual server (TCP/IP stack was working).  Is there something else I need to do to get this to work?
My second question is that this command is not in an older version of Freebsd that I am using, v4.11.  Do you have other commands to create a bridged interface on this version?
Thanks for your help!

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