start kde in 8.1

Tim Dunphy bluethundr at
Fri Oct 29 13:58:01 UTC 2010

Hey guys,

 Yes xorg is installed:

 [bluethundr at bsd1 /usr/local/kde4/bin]$ pkg_info -Ix xorg-7
xorg-7.5            X.Org complete distribution metaport

But startkde does not appear to be in /usr/local/kde4/bin

[bluethundr at bsd1 /usr/local/kde4/bin]$ ls
checkXML                        kjs
dolphin                         kjscmd
kappfinder                      konqueror
kbookmarkmerger                 konsole
kbuildsycoca4                   konsoleprofile
kconfig_compiler                kross
kcookiejar4                     kshell4
kde4-config                     kunittestmodrunner
kded4                           kwrapper4
kdeinit4                        kwrite
kdeinit4_shutdown               makekdewidgets
kdeinit4_wrapper                meinproc4
kdepasswd                       nepomuk-rcgen
kdialog                         nspluginscan
keditbookmarks                  nspluginviewer
kfind                           preparetips
kfmclient                       servicemenudeinstallation
kinfocenter                     servicemenuinstallation

 I have so far only installed kde4base.. I am attempting to install
the full KDE 4...

thanks for your help

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 12:32 AM, Warren Block <wblock at> wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Oct 2010, Tim Dunphy wrote:
>> I have kdebase4 installed successfully under freebsd 8.1
>> I found the following advice on the net with so far isn't working to start
>> it:
>> echo "startkde" > ~/.xinitrc
>> I have attempted startx but the system doesn't know about it.
>> may I have a suggestion to proceed?
> Is xorg installed?
> % pkg_info -Ix xorg-7
> If it's installed, rehash.

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