iBook G3 -- FreeBSD Install -- USB Wireless adapter support?

David A. ddastuam at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 23:19:33 UTC 2010

Someone with experience with a similar hardware?

I want to know if is viable to install FreeBSD on an iBook G3 (PowerPC
800MHz 12''), the main focus is to get working the network hardware,
also if there's someone with the same experience and could let me know
which wireless network adapter (USB) could work? Would be really

The iBook is fully functional was bought from eBay for less than $60
the only missing piece is the Airport card, but anyway isn't supported
on FreeBSD (i think
http://www.freebsd.org/releases/8.1R/hardware.html#WLAN ).

Thanks in advance!

 -- David A.

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