Is there any way of transfering my excellent PDF file into plain HTML

Gary Kline kline at
Tue Oct 26 19:30:25 UTC 2010

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 08:59:24PM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Oct 2010 11:38:20 -0700, Liontaur <liontaur at> wrote:
> > Related but slightly OT, I've never had much luck getting it the other way
> > around, HTML to PDF. It's often off a bit. I can't remember off the top of
> > my head what ports i've tried but yea. Either the images are wonky or my
> > forms go wonky.
> This is simply because HTML is not typesetting-capable. Depending
> on the source of the PDF file, it may help to convert from THAT
> format instead from PDF. E. g. if you have a .tex (LaTeX) file
> that has been the source of the PDF file, you can use a converter
> from LaTeX to HTML, often with acceptable results.
> The HTML concept, especially when incorporating CSS for formatting,
> _can_ be used to gain a bit typographic quality, e. g. by defining
> parameters for "screen" and for "printed" media. Still it suffers
> from things like maintaining good grey values, hypenation and
> ligatures.

	Hmm. The ligatures that looked so great in my .tex/PDF output
	got lost.  Only that somehow, HTML4 can read the hex code that
	abiword's html created.  :-)   Also, the `` and '' look great in
	Times.  I fixed the page numbers--all had to go away; I edited
	the chapter headings--all by hand.  What's left are the hundreds
	of broken paragraphs.

	Since Hizhoron Mr. Reed isn't eager to publish my stuff, I'll
	prob'ly use "Pubit!" ... ebook only.  I figure that if the story
	doesn't catch fire, at least I won't have to hassle with
	becoming a publisher:-)

	What utility take a LaTeX file -> HTML?  ((Be nice to have both
	*strictly professional typeset* and then HTML.  I can add
	indents for AE style paragraphing, and much more.  Fix the
	hyphenation, etc.


> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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