geli keys

Roland Smith rsmith at
Sun Oct 24 16:04:35 UTC 2010

On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 05:14:57PM +0700, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> Colleagues,
> The geli(8) man page suggests initializing a geli provider with a
> random keyfile (geli init -K). It also asks for a passphrase by default.
> What happens if a provider is initialized without the -K option, just
> with a passphrase? 

The passphrase is not used as the key directly. It is used to derive the key
with PKCS #5 [see]. 

> Will there be no encryption? 

No, there will be encryption.

> Encryption will be weaker?

I don't think so. But in depends on a lot of things.

If you use a keyfile, it needs to be on an unencrypted (or previously
decrypted) partition, and it needs to be referenced in /etc/rc.conf if you
want to be able to maount that partition at boot. So the keyfile might be
random but it may not be secret (unless you put it on a USB thumbdrive and
mount that before mounting the encrypted fs).

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