Anybody know what causes "movie player" to return "ERR"?

Gary Kline kline at
Fri Oct 22 19:48:05 UTC 2010

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 08:07:48PM +0200, Roland Smith wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 04:24:35PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > 
> > I don't think this is OS-specific, but this morning I *wasted* a few
> > hours trying to watch a DVD of "Dr. Strangelove."  I tried to dd the
> > iso into /usr/tmp, but that errored out too. 
> Try "mplayer dvd://1 -v -dumpstream -dumpfile title.mpg" from the command
> line, and replace the "1" by the number of the longest track. This should give
> you a better indication of the error.
> > No, I have 0.0 intent
> > of wasting the diskspace on movies, but just wonder if why /dev/dvd
> > and /media fail.  Ubuntu. 
> You are sure that your DVD player isn't broken?

	Thanks for the "mplayer dvd" trace idea.  Turns out that I was
	missing some of the libdvd stuff.  Never installed them.  The
	you detail things on your help pages is outstanding.  The *but*
	is that I don't want to mess with anything on my FreeBSD server 
	that has any [remote] chance of bringing down the box.  That
	means having to learn two OS's, but so it goes.

> Some CDs and DVDs are made in such a way that they do not comlpy with the
> relevant standard, but play in most hardware-based players. Sometimes you can
> figure this out by looking at the box. E.g. on the DVD of the latest Star Trek
> movie the index was subtly broken on purpose. It is usually labeled as copy
> protection. But in my experience, FreeBSD and Linux usually don't have
> problems with those.

	:-D  Been meaning to buy/get-from-library the latest Star Trek
	movie.  I've heard it's pretty good.  Butthen, after ***sweating***
	endless headaches for a year I thought that Strangelove was the
	thing.  --I didn't know it was make it the UK; anyway, it's got
	t be the funniest movie made.  [[i'm laughing rt now]]

> Try another player application like vlc.

	Good idea: while the disc is still in there.  

	thanks again!


	PS: beware fluoridated water!! LOLOL.

> Roland
> -- 
> R.F.Smith                         
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 Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix
    The 7.90a release of Jottings:

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