4.5.4 Upgrading Ports (Handbook)

Justin Victoria vic at yeaguy.com
Fri Oct 22 14:58:30 UTC 2010


I have a pretty simple question regarding upgrading ports..  I am 
following the handbook Section 4.5.4..

Step 1:

pkg_version -v:

Ok done.. bunch of stuff needs updating:


hbca# pkg_version -v | grep -v "up-to-date with port"
ImageMagick-                <   needs updating (port has
apache-2.2.16_2                     <   needs updating (port has 2.2.17_1)
avahi-app-0.6.25_3                  <   needs updating (port has 0.6.27_2)
bison-2.4.1_1,1                     <   needs updating (port has 2.4.3,1)
bn-freebsd-doc-20100625             <   needs updating (port has 20100926)
boost-libs-1.43.0                   <   needs updating (port has 1.43.0_1)
cmake-2.8.2                         <   needs updating (port has 2.8.2_1)
consolekit-0.4.1_3                  <   needs updating (port has 0.4.1_4)
cups-client-1.4.3                   <   needs updating (port has 1.4.4)
da-freebsd-doc-20100625             <   needs updating (port has 20100926)
dbus-1.2.24_1                       <   needs updating (port has 1.2.24_2)
dbus-glib-0.86_1                    <   needs updating (port has 0.88)
de-freebsd-doc-20100625             <   needs updating (port has 20100926)
el-freebsd-doc-20100625             <   needs updating (port has 20100926)
en-freebsd-doc-20100625             <   needs updating (port has 20100926)
enchant-1.4.2                       <   needs updating (port has 1.6.0)
es-freebsd-doc-20100625             <   needs updating (port has 20100926)
feh-1.5                             <   needs updating (port has 1.8)
fr-freebsd-doc-20100625             <   needs updating (port has 20100926)
freetype2-2.3.12                    <   needs updating (port has 2.4.2)
gettext-0.18_1                      <   needs updating (port has
gio-fam-backend-2.24.1_1            <   needs updating (port has 2.24.2)

Step 2:

Update Ports collection: Ports collection updated everynite via cron job 
and cvsup. Done...

Check /usr/ports/UPDATING..

This seems very time consuming considering i have a long list of ports 
that need updating..  (can i safely skip this step?)

Step 3:

portupgrade installed, done....

Step 4:

pkgdb -F

here it is:

hbca# pkgdb -F
--->  Checking the package registry database
Stale origin: 'net/samba3': perhaps moved or obsoleted.
-> The port 'net/samba3' was removed on 2010-10-18 because:
         "Has expired: Unsupported by the upstream. Please, consider to 
-> Hint: samba-3.0.37_1,1 is not required by any other package
-> Hint: checking for overwritten files...
  -> No files installed by samba-3.0.37_1,1 have been overwritten by other 
Deinstall samba-3.0.37_1,1 ? [no] no
Duplicated origin: security/libgcrypt - libgcrypt-1.4.5_1 libgcrypt-1.4.6
Unregister any of them? [no] no

So if i deinstall samba and unregister one of the duplicated origins for 
libgcrypt will portupgrade reinstall them or fix this mess?



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