Netbooks & BSD

Warren Block wblock at
Tue Oct 19 20:53:33 UTC 2010

On Tue, 19 Oct 2010, Matthias Apitz wrote:

> El d?a Sunday, October 17, 2010 a las 12:17:16PM -0600, Warren Block escribi?:
>> On Sun, 17 Oct 2010, Matthias Apitz wrote:
>>> Any alternative netbooks outside Asus which run FreeBSD?
>> Of course.  The Acer Aspire models vary, but the D250 is nice.
> Just to make sure: you mean the "Acer Aspire One D250" netbook? But this
> seems to have a SATA hard disk, or are there models out with SSD?

Mine has a SATA drive, but there shouldn't be any reason it couldn't use 
a SATA SSD in that form factor.  I should add that just over the last 
couple of days, my D250 has started to panic at random times.  That's 
new, and I don't know what's causing it.  Given that it was a scrap 
machine I repaired, it may be hardware failure.

> In any case, it sells for around 300 euro (around USD 380) and seems to
> be an alternative as getting my Eee PC 900 repaired for the same price

Now that the netbook craze is over, there are quite a few lightly-used 
ones for sale, often around $150 here.  Look around before buying new. 
Relatively older models like the D250 may be better for FreeBSD, because 
they have Intel video that works with the accelerated xorg driver.

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