WiFi HotSpot

Erik Norgaard norgaard at locolomo.org
Mon Oct 18 22:46:47 UTC 2010

On 18/10/10 21.53, Maile Halatuituia wrote:
> Anybody  have a hint how to implement software as an internet hotspot.
> OpenBSD based.

This is usually a question of:

- providing an interface that is reasonable user friendly for users to 
authenticate against, some sort of web interface, apache and friends.
- some authentication system, I don't know if Radius or homebrewn
- some management software to create temporary tokens or whatever
- firewall solution with a script to easily update as access is granted 
and revoked and redirect unauthenticated users to the login page

I don't know of any out of the box solution, on the other hand, you 
should be able to easily brew your own.

BR, Erik

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