does anybody understand why install failed?

Polytropon freebsd at
Tue Oct 12 01:36:15 UTC 2010

On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 18:27:50 -0700, Gary Kline <kline at> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 03:02:24AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> > On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 17:53:11 -0700, Gary Kline <kline at> wrote:
> > > Having netwoking problems... .  hope this gets out.
> > 
> > It does.
> > 
> > 
> > The problem seems to appear when installing the ZFS boot loader.
> 	Which is?  I don't think I chose any boot loader when I
> 	installed this last November...  

It seems to be part of the default installation now (until you
set ZFS component NOT to build per src.conf).

Prior to a new try, remove /usr/obj/ or "make clean", just to be
sure not to suffer from anything accidentally left there.

> 	glad this got out!  (I *do* have a base arrow on the console,
> 	but w hen I bring up my old ctwm wm, the arrow is still frozen.
> 	[This is on ethic; the stuff below is on my old desktop, tao.
> 	Nice to have at least one spare to experiment with.]

Uh... "make installworld" should take place in single-user mode,
where the system is running on "minimal level". Check the comment
header of /usr/src/Makefile for a short description of the process.

> 	I'll ck out the src.conf; never heard of it... thanks for the
> 	clue.

It is "quite new", I think it was introduced in version 7 to have
a central file for configuring the system's build and installation
process, separated from the system-wide make.conf.

> 	Mm. I'm using very, very old instructions.  I used this last
> Feb, but it dates from March, '04! ::
>   cd /usr/src; \
> make buildworld; make buildkernel KERNCONF=TAO; make installkernel KERNCONF=TAO;
>   reboot ; then go single
>   cd /usr/src; \
>   make installworld;
>   mergemaster
>   reboot

Seems that one mergemaster step is missing. Let me quote from
/usr/src/Makefile of version 7 (on 8 it should be similar):

#  1.  `cd /usr/src'       (or to the directory containing your source tree).
#  2.  `make buildworld'
#  3.  `make buildkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE'     (default is GENERIC).
#  4.  `make installkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE'   (default is GENERIC).
#       [steps 3. & 4. can be combined by using the "kernel" target]
#  5.  `reboot'        (in single user mode: boot -s from the loader prompt).
#  6.  `mergemaster -p'
#  7.  `make installworld'
#  8.  `make delete-old'
#  9.  `mergemaster'                         (you may wish to use -U or -ai).
# 10.  `reboot'
# 11.  `make delete-old-libs' (in case no 3rd party program uses them anymore)

It's always wise to study the source of what one is working with. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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