Clean up / filesystem

four.harrisons at four.harrisons at
Mon Oct 11 08:43:08 UTC 2010

On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 8:40 AM, Mike Clarke
<jmc-freebsd2 at> wrote:
> On Saturday 09 October 2010, Arthur Chance wrote:
>> Not if running an X desktop, as all sorts of things get stuck in /tmp
>> that are needed. In single user mode it should be safe, and it
>> probably is when simply running on the console.
>> As a long term solution, if you wish to clear /tmp every reboot add
>>  clear_tmp_enable="YES"  #  Clear /tmp at startup.
>> to your /etc/rc.conf

You may also want to consider changing /tmp to be a TMPFS file system

add the line
tmpfs		/tmp	tmpfs	rw,mode=01777	0	0

to /etc/fstab (and remove any other /tmp lines).

A warning will come saying that it is highly experimental - but I've
been running with it for a while now without any issues.

Eitan Adler
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