Clean up / filesystem

Polytropon freebsd at
Sat Oct 9 22:16:13 UTC 2010

On Sat, 09 Oct 2010 10:40:20 -0700, Caleb Stein <caleb.stein at> wrote:
> Ok, so it won't hurt X as long as I clear /tmp/ while X isn't running?

Correct, no problem.

It *may* be possible that some programs save files to /tmp, even
if it is NOT to be assumed that those files survive a reboot.
The content of /tmp is to be seen as easily flammable. :-)

X itself does use /tmp mainly for /tmp/.X0-lock as well as the
/tmp/.font-unix/, /tmp/.X11-unix/, /tmp/.ICE-unix/, /tmp/.XIM-unix/ 
and other subtrees that get generated anyway when not present
at X startup.

Make sure *YOU* don't have any important files in there. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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