Like it or not, Theo is having a good laugh ..

Rob Farmer rfarmer at
Sat Oct 9 05:46:46 UTC 2010

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 21:47, Jarrod Slick < at> wrote:
> @rob,
> Kinda wish you would make a video wherein you read your above statement from
> a teleprompter with a green-screened American flag billowing in the
> background.  You might want to add in a statement about your deep respect
> and admiration for the troops, though.  To add in even more of that good ol'
> fashioned American [self-]righteousness you could even, in a senseless spat
> of litigiousness, DMCA yourself and have the video removed from whatever
> third-party site you decide to post it on.
> Oh, and disclaimer . . . I'm an American.
> Anyhow, I'll go back to lurking.

You can imply that I'm a nationalistic jackass all you like, but the
fact still remains that nobody has presented an argument (well
reasoned and coherent or otherwise) for why FreeBSD wouldn't be
subject to the EAR or why changing the license for this code would
make one bit of difference (beyond public relations).

Rob Farmer

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