Like it or not, Theo has a point... freebsd is shipping export-restricted software in the core

Randal L. Schwartz merlyn at
Wed Oct 6 23:08:36 UTC 2010

>>>>> "Erik" == Erik Trulsson <ertr1013 at> writes:

Erik> Since it essentially says that if you export it from the USA you will
Erik> have to follow whatever laws and regulations covers such exports, it
Erik> doesn't really add any burden since anybody doing such an export would
Erik> be legally required to do so anyway.

Erik> AFAICT the paragraph in question does not add any restrictions or
Erik> burdens, it just points out potentially existing ones.

Yes, you always have to obey the law when you export.  But this clause
seems to imply that the associated software *knowingly* triggers the
export laws, probably in a bad way.

Do you have a different opinion, and is it a legal opinion?

Either this clause needs to be hoisted to the front page of the FreeBSD
distro proper ("Some software contained within may be subject to...")
or it should be removed from this software entirely.

Burying it is irresponsible.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<merlyn at> <URL:>
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