Which OS for notebook

Mark Blackman mark at exonetric.com
Tue Oct 5 13:25:08 UTC 2010

Jon Radel wrote:
> I'm somewhat unclear on how that follows.  Might it not be that many
> manufacturers, busily dealing with Microsoft, and easing into Linux now
> that it has significant "mindshare," have simply decided that there's no
> economic benefit to releasing detailed hardware specs in a form that
> works for FreeBSD developers?  I really fail to see why you think the
> fact that the manufacturer itself has released binary drivers for
> Windows, and possibly Linux, and/or released hardware specs under NDA
> (non-disclosure agreement) to certain business partners, has any bearing
> on whether sufficient information to write a driver is available to any
> FreeBSD programmer with permission to use it to write an open source
> driver.

There's also the whole train of thought that says FreeBSD isn't really
aimed at the desktop/laptop/notebook use model and any benefit in that 
arena is entirely coincidental.

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