Which OS for notebook

Gautham Ganapathy gautham at lisphacker.org
Mon Oct 4 16:04:03 UTC 2010

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 5:11 AM, Leandro F Silva <fsilvaleandro at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Which OS are you using on your notebook, FreeBSD / Linux or MAC ?
> Also, can you tell us the hardware, Sony / HP etc..
> Thank you !
> _______________________________________________

I would prefer FreeBSD, if not for the lack of support (yet) for
802.11n wireless chipsets (don't really like USB wifi poking out of
the laptop!). FreeBSD used to work fine on my old Dell Inspiron 9400
(no longer manufactured), except for the card reader, which I never
needed. I am waiting for support for wireless-n chipsets (and CUDA, if
I'm lucky!) for my Alienware m11x (ndis did not work out)


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