porting software to FreeBSD, what to do if Makefile lacks?

O. Hartmann ohartman at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Nov 17 17:54:22 UTC 2010


I try to create a port of a software which does not have a Makefile and 
is build via a propriate csh script. Installation is done temporarely 
into some lib's and exe's subfolder withing the source folder, so I need 
to tell the top level Makefile of the port to use a specific build 
script instead implying having Makefile and a home-brewn install script, 
which takes the binaries and libs out of the temporary folders and 
install them at the proper places within the FreeBSD's tree. How can I 
perform these two tasks?

Please set my CC, I'm not subscribing this list. Thanks in advance,


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