Problems Hooking Sudoers into PAM/LDAP

bluethundr bluethundr at
Wed Nov 10 16:14:42 UTC 2010

Hey list!!  I am attempting to solve a rather thorny issue and I was
hoping that someone might have some insight into what is going on

At this point I have an openLDAP  server that is working quite splendidly! :)

I have a working directory with users able to authenticate it and TLS
turned on and it is ALL happening through PAM!! Well almost all of

The one sticking point I am currently having is getting sudoers to
authenticate against LDAP.

The server is FreeBSD 8.1 but the clients are all CentOS 5.4.
Although, knowing this shouldn't make much difference in how this
works AFAIK. On the client I have my /etc/ldap.conf file setup like

URI ldap://
BASE dc=acadaca,dc=net
TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/openldap/cacerts
pam_login_attribute     uid
pam_lookup_policy       yes
pam_password            exop
nss_base_passwd         ou=staff,dc=acadaca,dc=net
sudoers_debug 2

I have added the user I am testing to a couple of groups (two regular
DNs and one posixGroup)  all of which had the sudoRole objectClass in
the hopes that this might be related to the issue:

46 cn=%sa,ou=sudoers,ou=Services,dc=acadaca,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: sudoRole
cn: %sa
sudoHost: ALL
sudoRunAsUser: ALL
sudoCommand: ALL
sudoOption: !authenticate
sudoUser: %sa
sudoUser: bluethundr

50 cn=role1,ou=sudoers,ou=Services,dc=acadaca,dc=net
objectClass: sudoRole
objectClass: top
cn: role1
sudoUser: bluethundr
sudoHost: ALL
sudoCommand: ALL

51 cn=sa,ou=Group,dc=acadaca,dc=net
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
cn: sa
userPassword: {crypt}*
gidNumber: 20004

However that didn't seem to do the trick. When I do attempt to sudo
from the client machine this is what I see on the command line:

[bluethundr at VIRCENT03:~]#sudo bash
[sudo] password for bluethundr:
bluethundr is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.
[bluethundr at VIRCENT03:~]#sudo -l
[sudo] password for bluethundr:
Sorry, user bluethundr may not run sudo on VIRCENT03.

Also I notice that the client can't seem to find it's groups stored in
LDAP even tho I would think that system auth would point sudoers
to them just as it does sshd and su.

[bluethundr at VIRCENT03:~]#groups bluethundr
id: cannot find name for group ID 1002

I am not entirely sure that this is a separate issue, honestly but I
think it may be related.

The other pam services I am working with, su and sshd, trigger events
in the openldap logs on the server. Everything is going smoothly with
these services, apparently:

In the openldap logs on the server here is a sample of what I see:

Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]: bdb_search_candidates: id=1 first=54 last=54
Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]: => test_filter
Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]:     AND
Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]: => test_filter_and
Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]: => test_filter
Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]:     EQUALITY
Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]: => access_allowed: search access to
"uid=bluethundr,ou=sa,ou=staff,dc=acadaca,dc=net" "objectClass"
Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]: => acl_get: [1] attr objectClass
Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]: => acl_mask: access to entry
"uid=bluethundr,ou=sa,ou=staff,dc=acadaca,dc=net", attr "objectClass"
Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]: => acl_mask: to value by "", (=0)
Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]: <= acl_mask: [1] applying read(=rscxd) (stop)
Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]: <= acl_mask: [1] mask: read(=rscxd)
Nov  9 14:03:56 ldap slapd[31269]: => access_allowed: search access
granted by read(=rscxd)

More complete logs that I hope will provide a bit more context can be
found here:

What I've done was clear the openldap logs with an echo " "
> statement just before sudoing to root on the client.  Honestly, I wish
I was better at parsing these log files but unfortunately I'm not
quite there as of yet. :(

Back on the client side I see this noticeable event, amongst quite a
lot of successful pam events in the secure log:

Nov  9 15:37:39 VIRCENT03 sudo: bluethundr : user NOT in sudoers ;
TTY=pts/3 ; PWD=/home/bluethundr ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash

A more complete version of the secure log can be found here:

And lastly a copy of the schema that I am working with can be found here:

Best regards, and thanks for your help!!

Here's my RSA Public key:
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 5A4873A9

Share and enjoy!!

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