I can't execute a script in crontab

Jon Radel jon at radel.com
Tue May 18 20:10:31 UTC 2010

>> Either make the script executable or cron it like this:
>> *   *  *  *  *  /bin/sh /path/to/myscript
>> -- 
>> Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
On 5/18/10 3:40 PM, Yavuz Maşlak wrote:
> the script is already executable but it doesn't work -rwxrwxrwx  1 
> root  wheel   ......

This list frowns on top posting, so please don't.

How do you know it doesn't work?  Seriously.  You really need to tell us 
what what you're doing, exactly, step by step, and what is happening 
when you do it, if anything.

Are you using root's crontab or something else?

Does /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub have a passphrase on it?


--Jon Radel
jon at radel.com

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