Long I/O pauses on same mass storage

A. Wright andrew at qemg.org
Wed May 12 23:25:30 UTC 2010

On Wed, 12 May 2010, Chuck Swiger wrote:

> Thanks for real data to work from.

Thanks for the assistance!

> There's no signs of surface failure with high reallocated
> sectors or anything, but your drive is parking it's heads nearly
> 100 times an hour.  Someone else suggested this was a "green
> firmware" drive, so it might be spinning down and so forth
> trying to save power, and the OS is complaining because it takes
> a while to spin back up and become online.

Thanks for reading the tea-leaves for me and pointing that out.

I'm sure that that is the problem, as this would explain all the
symptoms, as I am guessing that quite a large I/O queue can be
generated if it is insisting on going into park that often.

> I've heard rumors that there exists an WDIDLE utility which
> might be able to tweak the firmware which might help.

I will look into it, and see if there is a path out of the
woods here.  I'll report back once something else is known.

Thanks all, for the help.


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